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Catalogs - Groupe Librex

Groupe Librex

Groupe Librex is home to five publishing houses: Libre Expression, Stanké, Trécarré, Logiques, and Publistar. A leader in high-quality publishing for the general public, the group specializes in fiction, biography and autobiographical narrative, health and well-being guides and reference books, and lastly, travel books.

Libre Expression

The flagship of Groupe Librex, Libre Expression has played an active role in building the industry of Quebec publishing since it was founded in November 1976. Overs several decades, Libre Expression has published more than 1,800 titles, exported a number of authors overseas and seen many of its books adapted for TV and cinema. Its editorial scope has been vast, spanning from fiction to fine publications. Today, the publishing house enjoys a solid reputation built on the quality of its novels, biographies, narrative nonfiction titles and travel guides.

Open to all declinations of fiction in novel form, with the exception of science-fiction and fantasy, Libre Expression provides a stage for new voices in contemporary literature to reach a wide audience. The publishing house also plays a role in promoting and developing the readership of Quebec authors overseas, Kim Thúy and Michel Jean surely being two of the most eloquent examples.

Further renowned for its biographies and narrative nonfiction titles, Les Éditions Libre Expression also fulfills a duty of memory.

Libre Expression: A big publishing house for the general readership. 


Nicoleta Varlan 

Rights Director

Office : (+1) 514-379-0330

Diane Ancousture-Lavie

Rights Assistant

Office : (+1) 514 379-0365

Groupe Librex 

4545 rue Frontenac, 3e étage

Montréal, Québec, H2H 2R7


Office: (+1) 514 523-1182

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